Sign up and create your free account
Sign up on Banana Pay Or Download Banana Pay app on your smartphone or tablet.

Sign up on Banana Pay Or Download Banana Pay app on your smartphone or tablet.
Choose a country to send to, the amount, the delivery method as well as the payment option.
Provide acceptable and valid identification
Send your money to Banana Pay via Credit/Debit Card and leave the rest to us.
1. Visit one of our agent locations in the 22 states we are licensed in.
2. Provide valid identification.
3. Send to your loved ones.
Accurately identifying Banana Pay’s customers at the time, a customer first initiates a transaction- and recordkeeping the appropriate information- is a critical element of the execution of Banana Pay’s KYC Policy. Banana Pay has established Customer Due Diligence (“CDD”) procedures for the identification of customers. CDD procedures are followed for all customers and all transactions above certain minimum thresholds. Customer identification documents collected at Banana Pay’s agent locations are scanned and sent for recordkeeping purposes to Banana Pay’s compliance department.
All customers are subject to sanction screening- this screening is performed for both senders and beneficiaries. Banana Pay may ask customers to provide additional information or documents as part of Customer Due Diligence. Banana Pay will take reasonable measures to conduct ongoing monitoring for the purposes of detecting suspicions transactions.